What is Bone Grafting?
Bone grafting is usually used to create a proper place for dental implants. When a tooth is lost, the gums and bone around the extraction socket shrinks as it heals. This may leave inadequate bone for an implant. Bone grafting techniques can be used to grow new bone so an implant can be placed.
Same Day Implant Placement
In some cases, a dental implant can be placed on the same day as a tooth is extracted. Once the implant is placed in the extraction socket, bone grafting is done around the edges and in areas where bone is damaged or inadequate. This way the implant, bone and gums all heal at the same time. A few months later a new tooth, can be placed on the implant.
Socket Preservation Grafting
When possible, it is best to do bone grafting before the bone has a chance to shrink. When a tooth is being extracted but an implant is not being placed the same day,
granulated bone can be placed into the socket and covered with a protective membrane. As the socket heals, it shrinks much less than it would without the grafting. A few months later an implant can be placed into this healed site.
Crestal Sinus Lift
The roots of upper molars rest in bone that makes up the floor of the maxillary sinus. When one of these molars is lost, the bone in the extraction socket shrinks causing the floor of the sinus to drop. This may leave inadequate bone for an implant. With a crestal sinus lift, bone is placed back into the sinus floor and an implant placed at the same time. After a few months of healing, a tooth can be placed on the implant.
Crestal Sinus Lift
The roots of upper molars rest in bone that makes up the floor of the maxillary sinus. When one of these molars is lost, the bone in the extraction socket shrinks causing the floor of the sinus to drop. This may leave inadequate bone for an implant. With a crestal sinus lift, bone is placed back into the sinus floor and an implant placed at the same time. After a few months of healing, a tooth can be placed on the implant.
Ridge Split
In some area of the mouth, there may be adequate height of bone but not enough width to place an implant. The thin bone can often be split down the middle and bone grafting and implants placed inside. After several months of healing, new teeth can be placed on the implants.
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